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10 Best Discovery Call Questions for Sponsorship Sales to Help You Create Winning Proposals

Are you looking to secure more sponsorship deals for your event or conference? 

If so, you’re likely aware of the importance of a discovery call in the sponsorship sales process. This initial conversation with a potential sponsor allows you to gather valuable information, build rapport, and ultimately create a winning proposal. To help you make the most of your discovery calls, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best questions to ask. By asking these questions, you’ll better understand your prospect’s needs and be better equipped to craft a customized quote that resonates with them. So, let’s dive in!

The importance of the discovery call in sponsorship sales

A discovery call is a tried-and-true step in the sponsorship sales process. It lets you connect with your prospects, learn about their goals and objectives, and identify whether your sponsorship opportunities align with their needs. By asking the right questions during this call, you can gather the information necessary to create a customized proposal that stands out from the competition.

During the discovery call, you can delve deeper into your prospect’s business and understand their target audience. This knowledge is crucial in tailoring your sponsorship proposal to reach their desired market effectively. As Scott Albro at Gartner says, “Understanding the buyer is the foundation of effective selling.” By understanding their target audience demographics, psychographics, and interests, you can create a sponsorship proposal that resonates with their potential customers.

Connect personally & uncover challenges 

Furthermore, the discovery call allows you to uncover any pain points or challenges your prospect may face. By identifying these pain points, you can position your sponsorship opportunities as solutions to their problems. Presenting solutions specific to their needs demonstrates your understanding of their business and highlights the value your sponsorship can bring to their organization.

Another benefit of the discovery call is the opportunity to showcase your expertise and industry knowledge. By asking insightful questions and providing relevant insights, you can position yourself as a trusted advisor in the sponsorship space. Demonstrating authority builds credibility and trust with your prospect, increasing the likelihood of securing the sponsorship deal.

Moreover, the discovery call is a chance to establish a personal connection with your prospect. Building rapport and fostering a positive relationship can significantly impact the outcome of the sales process. By actively listening, showing empathy, and demonstrating genuine interest in their business, you create trust and rapport that can set you apart from your competitors.

Additionally, the discovery call allows you to uncover specific objectives or metrics your prospect seeks to achieve through sponsorship. Understanding their desired outcomes enables you to tailor your proposal to showcase how your sponsorship opportunities can help them achieve their goals. Whether they are seeking brand awareness, lead generation, or community engagement, you can position your sponsorship as the perfect vehicle to drive their desired results.

TL;DR: The discovery call is critical in the sponsorship sales process. It provides an opportunity to gather valuable information, understand your prospect’s needs, and tailor your proposal accordingly. By leveraging the discovery call effectively, you can increase your chances of securing sponsorship deals and building long-lasting partnerships.

1. “Tell me about your company and its core values.” 

Understanding a company’s values will help you assess the right sponsorship fit. By doing so, you can determine whether their values align with your own and identify potential areas of partnership that will benefit both parties.

It’s worth diving deeper into core values to gain a holistic scope of the organization. 

Why ask about core values? 

Core values are the guiding principles that shape a company’s culture and define its identity. They provide a framework for decision-making and influence the behavior and actions of employees at all levels.

Let’s examine why core values are crucial in assessing a company’s compatibility with sponsorship opportunities. 

When a company’s values align with yours, it creates a strong foundation for a successful sponsorship partnership. Shared values build trust and mutual understanding, leading to long-term collaboration and growth. 

Digging in deep on core values

When assessing a company’s core values, look beyond surface-level statements. Dive into their mission and vision statements to better understand their purpose and long-term goals. Look for consistency between their values and actions, as actions speak louder than words.

Additionally, consider the company’s track record and reputation. Have they demonstrated a commitment to their stated values in the past? Have they been involved in controversies or ethical dilemmas that contradict their values? Conducting thorough research and due diligence will help you make an informed decision when considering a sponsorship partnership.

Finding a company whose core values align with yours is essential for a successful and meaningful sponsorship collaboration. It ensures a harmonious partnership and allows both parties to leverage their shared values to create positive change and make a lasting impact.

2. “What are your specific marketing and business objectives for this sponsorship?”

Every sponsor has specific goals and objectives they hope to achieve through sponsorship. By asking this question, you can gain insight into what your prospect hopes to accomplish and ensure that your proposal addresses their needs. Whether their objective is to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or enhance their reputation, understanding their goals will help you shape your pitch accordingly.

[Editor’s note: Optional Items in Quoter makes it easy to provide an array of add-ons to suit your prospect’s goals and objectives.]

3. “Can you describe your target audience and customer demographics?” 

Knowing your prospect’s target audience and customer demographics is crucial when crafting a compelling sponsorship proposal. By understanding who their customers are, you can identify how your sponsorship can help them reach and engage this audience effectively. This knowledge will enable you to create a proposal that provides value and aligns with their target market.

4. “What types of sponsorships have been successful for you in the past?”

Learning about past successful sponsorships can give you valuable insights into what works for your prospect. Ask about their previous sponsorship experiences, which activations or campaigns yielded positive results, and what they enjoyed most about those partnerships. This information will help you tailor your proposal to meet their expectations and increase the likelihood of a successful collaboration.

5. “What challenges or pain points are you currently facing in your marketing efforts?”

By asking about your prospect’s current marketing challenges, you can position yourself as a problem solver. Understanding their pain points allows you to present your sponsorship as a solution to their problems. They may be struggling with reaching a particular target market or looking to generate more leads. Whatever the challenge, addressing it in your proposal will demonstrate your attentiveness and value as a partner.

6. “Do you have any specific requirements or preferences for your sponsorship package?”

Every sponsor has unique requirements and preferences when it comes to sponsorships. By asking this question, you can capture your prospect’s specific needs or preferences. Whether they require brand exclusivity, specific activation opportunities, or certain deliverables, understanding their requirements ensures that your proposal meets their expectations.

7. “How do you measure the success of a sponsorship package?”

Measuring the success of a sponsorship is essential for sponsors. Understanding how your prospect measures success can align your proposal with their evaluation criteria. Whether they focus on ROI, brand exposure, or customer engagement, tailoring your pitch to showcase how your sponsorship will meet their measurement criteria will strengthen your proposal.

8. “Are there any particular industries or causes you prefer to align with in your sponsorships?” 

Many sponsors have specific industries or causes with which they prefer to align their brand. By asking this question, you can identify your prospect’s preferences. Partnering with a brand that aligns with its values or target audience will increase the chances of a successful sponsorship and create a more meaningful and impactful collaboration.

9. “What is your budget range for sponsorship opportunities?”

Understanding your prospect’s budget range allows you to tailor your proposal to their financial capabilities. You can customize your offering by asking this question to ensure it aligns with their investment expectations. Whether they have a set budget or are open to negotiation, knowing their financial parameters will help you create a proposal that is both appealing and feasible.

10. “What timelines or deadlines are you working with for sponsorship decisions and activations?”

You can gauge their availability and align your proposal by asking about their decision-making process and activation timelines. This information will help you set clear expectations and establish a timeline that works for both parties.

Create winning proposals for more sponsorship sales

By asking the right questions and actively listening to your prospect’s responses, you can gather the information necessary to create winning proposals. Remember to tailor your recommendations to address your prospect’s needs, objectives, challenges, and preferences. 

Doing so will increase your chances of securing successful sponsorship deals that benefit both parties. 

Quoter pairs well with sponsorship sales. Book a demo to see lightning-fast quoting in action. 

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