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MSPs: The trick to building customers relationships (when you’d rather focus on tech)

Building customer relationships is essential to running a successful managed service provider (MSP) business. However, as an MSP, it’s easy to get caught up in the technical aspect of your work and neglect the critical task of nurturing customer relationships.

In this article, we’ll explore why it can be easy to procrastinate on building customer relationships and what you can lose from not investing time and effort into this crucial aspect of your business. We’ll also share the secret to building strong customer relationships without compromising the work you do best. 

Why it can be easy to procrastinate on building customer relationships

As an MSP (Managed Service Provider), your primary focus is delivering exceptional technical solutions to your clients. You’re dedicated to keeping their systems running, solving any issues, and implementing innovative technological advancements. However, amidst the flurry of technical tasks, it’s understandable that building customer relationships can take a back seat.

Setting priorities 

With the constant demands and deadlines that accompany managing technology, it’s tempting to prioritize tasks that directly impact your clients’ systems. Meeting these immediate needs can give you a sense of accomplishment and validation of your technical prowess. But while technical expertise is crucial, neglecting customer relationships can have long-term consequences for your business.

When you prioritize technical tasks over building customer relationships, you may miss out on opportunities to truly understand your client’s needs and goals. By developing strong relationships, you can gain valuable insights into their business objectives, challenges, and aspirations. This deeper understanding can help you tailor your technical solutions to better align with their specific requirements, ultimately enhancing the value you provide.

Building trust

Furthermore, building customer relationships fosters trust and loyalty. Clients who feel a personal connection with you and your team are more likely to view you as a trusted advisor rather than just a service provider. This trust can lead to long-term partnerships, repeat business, and referrals, all of which are essential for the growth and success of your MSP.

As Evan Pappas at ScalePad says:

Relationships between MSPs and clients come down to one thing: trust. Without trust, the whole relationship can slow down or break completely.” 

Managing expectations

By regularly engaging with your clients, you can set realistic expectations, communicate potential challenges, and proactively address any concerns they may have. This open communication line helps build transparency and ensures that both parties are on the same page, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or disappointments.

Moreover, investing time in building customer relationships allows you to gather feedback and continuously improve your services. By actively seeking input from your clients, you can identify areas for enhancement, address any pain points, and stay ahead of industry trends. This feedback loop not only strengthens your relationship with existing clients but also positions you as a proactive and forward-thinking MSP in the eyes of potential clients.

While it may be easy to procrastinate on building customer relationships, it’s essential to recognize the long-term benefits of investing time and effort into this aspect of your business. You can create a solid foundation for growth, customer satisfaction, and overall business success by prioritizing customer relationships alongside technical tasks.

What you can lose from not nurturing customer relationships

When you fail to invest time and effort in building customer relationships, you risk losing valuable opportunities for business growth. Without solid relationships, your clients may consider alternative MSP options, especially if they feel undervalued or overlooked.


When clients feel a genuine connection with your company, they are likelier to remain loyal and continue utilizing your services. This loyalty not only ensures a steady stream of revenue but also provides an opportunity for upselling and cross-selling additional products or services.

References & reputation

Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool in the industry, and a dissatisfied client can quickly spread negative feedback, damaging your reputation and hindering your ability to attract new customers. On the other hand, satisfied customers can become brand advocates, sharing their positive experiences with others and helping to expand your customer base organically.

Related: “Referrals vs. marketing: what’s better for attracting more MSP clients?” 

Remember, retaining current clients is much easier and more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. Investing in customer relationships can create a strong foundation of trust and loyalty, leading to long-term partnerships and sustainable business growth. Take the time to understand your customers’ needs, communicate effectively, and provide exceptional service to ensure your clients feel valued and appreciated.

The trick: know their business

Building strong customer relationships as an MSP (Managed Service Provider) is no easy task. It requires more than providing excellent technical support or the latest IT solutions. One of the essential tricks to achieving this is to know your clients’ businesses inside and out.

You might be thinking, “But I already have a basic understanding of their industry and the services they offer.” While that is a good start, it’s not enough. To truly excel as an MSP, you must dive deep into your clients’ businesses and learn about their processes, goals, pain points, and challenges.

Imagine being able to have a conversation with your client about their business and sounding like an industry expert. By understanding their business comprehensively, you position yourself as a strategic partner rather than just another service provider. This level of knowledge will set you apart from your competitors and strengthen your relationship with your clients.

Carving out your expertise

How do you go about acquiring this in-depth knowledge? It starts with asking the right questions. Schedule regular meetings with your clients to discuss their business objectives and challenges. Ask about their current workflows, technologies, and any pain points they are experiencing. The more you know, the better you’ll be equipped to provide tailored solutions that address their needs.

Of course, we can’t know everything about every industry. You could focus on attracting and retaining clients in specific verticals, such as how Wilkins IT Solutions has developed a specialty in accounting and the mortgage broker side of the real estate industry. 

“We know those two industries quite well,” he said in a recent Quoter case study. “We know their systems, software, and workflows.” 

Additionally, consider attending industry conferences and events related to your clients’ businesses. This will give you a chance to network and learn from industry leaders and provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities your clients may face.

Remember, building strong customer relationships is a continuous process. As your clients’ businesses evolve, so should your knowledge and understanding of their needs. By investing the time and effort to know your clients’ businesses inside and out, you can provide exceptional value and become an indispensable partner in their success.

Why it’s important to know as much as possible about your customer’s business

When you truly understand your customers’ businesses, you can offer them more than technical solutions. Integrating your knowledge of their industry and specific challenges makes you a valuable resource for strategic decision-making.

Moreover, you build trust and credibility when you demonstrate your expertise in their business domain. Clients want to work with MSPs who understand their unique requirements and can align their technical solutions with their broader business objectives.

Understanding your customer’s business goes beyond just surface-level knowledge. It involves diving deep into their industry, market trends, and competitive landscape. By immersing yourself in their world, you gain insights that enable you to provide tailored solutions that address their pain points and drive their success.

Furthermore, knowing your customer’s business allows you to anticipate their future needs and proactively offer innovative solutions. By staying up-to-date with industry advancements and emerging technologies, you can position yourself as a trusted advisor who can guide your customers through digital transformations and help them stay ahead of the competition.

Another benefit of knowing your customer’s business is the ability to speak their language. Every industry has its jargon and terminology, and by familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can communicate more effectively with your clients. This enhances the overall customer experience and helps build stronger relationships based on mutual understanding and collaboration.

Moreover, understanding your customers’ businesses allows you to identify potential risks and challenges they may face. By being aware of their industry-specific regulations, compliance requirements, and security concerns, you can ensure that your technical solutions are efficient and meet all necessary standards. This level of attention to detail and compliance can give your customers peace of mind, knowing their business is in capable hands.

How does it appeal to people who would rather not be social?

Not everyone is naturally inclined towards being social. Fortunately, building customer relationships doesn’t always have to revolve around traditional networking events or constant face-to-face interactions.

Related: “How to make B2B sales less terrifying and more fun, even if you aren’t a ‘natural’ at it” 

Instead, focus on leveraging technology to streamline communication and stay connected with your clients. Utilize virtual meetings, video conferences, and collaborative tools to bridge the gap. Emphasize your accessibility and responsiveness through clear communication channels, streamlined quoting processes, prompt email responses, and regular check-ins.

Additionally, consider gathering client feedback through surveys or client satisfaction metrics. This allows you to gain insights into their experience and areas for improvement and better align your services with their needs—all while minimizing direct social interaction.

In conclusion, building customer relationships is not an optional task for MSPs. It’s an essential ingredient for long-term success and business growth. By understanding the importance of nurturing customer relationships, knowing their business, and finding alternative ways to engage clients, you can strike a balance between your technical focus and creating lasting, mutually beneficial connections. 

Remember, investing in relationships is an investment in the future of your MSP business. 

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